min. order: $ 6.00
3 review(s) 5.0/5
tel: +1 416 274 3108 open today 12:15 am - 11:45 pm
FoodSearch Special Pizza special offer Almond, Apple, Avocado, Banana AlmondAppleAvocadoBananaBurdock
$ 20.00
California Pizza Banana, Burdock, Blackberry, Blueberry BananaBurdockBlackberryBlueberry
$ 40.00
Margherita Pizza Coriander, Eggplant, Ginger, Green-beans CorianderEggplantGingerGreen-beans
$ 80.00$ 60.00
Neapolitan Pizzeria kale, lemon, Macaroni, Green-Beans kalelemonMacaroniokra
$ 34.00
Marinara Pizza Avocado, Banana, Almond, Apple AlmondAppleAvocadoBanana
$ 15.00
Cheese Burger Banana, BlackBerry, beetroot BananaBlackberryBeetroot
$ 87.00$ 47.00
Yogurt Kebab Coriander, Eggplant, Ginger CorianderEggplantGinger
$ 30.00
Juicy Roasted Chicken Red Pepper, Rosemary, Shallot ShallotRed PepperRosemary
$ 53.00
Chicken Biryani Beetroot, Blackberry, Blueberry BlackberryBlueberryBeetroot
$ 50.00
Chapatti special offer Eggplant, Ginger, Green-beans EggplantGingerGreen-beans
$ 45.00
Chicken Wrap Rosemary, Shallot, Spinach ShallotSpinachRosemary
$ 34.00
Special Donner Meat special offer Pumpkin, Radish, Raspberries PumpkinRadishRaspberries
$ 66.00$ 50.00
Calzone (Folded Pizza) Blackberry, Blueberry, Broccoli BlackberryBlueberryBroccoli
$ 67.00
Rye Bread Banana, Beetroot, Blackberry BananaBlackberryBeetroot
$ 34.00
Tuna Panini lemon, Macaroni, okra lemonMacaroniokra
$ 4.00
Jacket Potato With 2 Fillings Coriander, Eggplant, Chili CorianderEggplantChili
$ 67.00
Egg Fried Rice Almond, Apple, Avocado AlmondAppleAvocado
$ 70.00
Soup Almond, apple, avocado, Banana AlmondAppleAvocadoBanana
$ 40.00
Makhani Chicken Special Shallot, Spinach, Squash ShallotSpinachSquash
$ 2.00
Mint Sauce Strawberry, Turnip, Chili StrawberryTurnipChili
$ 54.00
Extra Macaroni, Olive, Pepper MacaroniOlivePepper
$ 6.00$ 2.00
Raita Avocado, Burdock, Broccoli AvocadoBurdockBroccoli
$ 20.00
Garlic Mushroom Burdock, Broccoli, Cauliflower BurdockBroccoliCauliflower
$ 46.00
Lemon Soda Lemon, Squash lemonSquash
$ 20.00
$ 7.00
Wild Salmon Burger special offer shllot, spinach, squash ShallotSpinachSquash
$ 74.00$ 54.00
Veggie Burger Shallot, Red Pepper, Rosemary ShallotRed PepperRosemary
$ 57.00
Portobello Mushroom Burger Red Pepper, Rosemary, Raspberries Red PepperRosemaryRaspberries
$ 37.00
Chilli Burger Almond, Apple, Avocado AlmondAppleAvocado
$ 45.00
Dill Salmon Kebabs Ginger, Green-Beans, Kale GingerGreen-beanskale
$ 56.00$ 46.00
Chicken Boti Kebab Regular Lemon, Macaroni, Okra lemonMacaroniokra
$ 55.00$ 35.00
Shish Kebab Olive, Pepper, Pineapple OlivePepperPineapple
$ 33.00
Fish Masala Kabab Pepper, pineapple, Pumpkin PepperPineapplePumpkin
$ 600.00$ 200.00
2 Pieces Of Chicken Meal Radish, Raspberries, Red Pepper Red PepperRaspberriesRadish
$ 5.00
Popcorn Chicken Pepper, Pineapple, Pumpkin PepperPineapplePumpkin
$ 7.00
Biryani Dishes
Beef Biryani Pineapple, Pumpkin, Radish PineapplePumpkinRadish
$ 50.00
Roti special offer Green-Beans, kale, lemon Green-beanskalelemon
$ 58.00
Donner Wrap Squash, Strawberry, Turnip SquashStrawberryTurnip
$ 34.00
Chicken Tikka Wrap special offer Strawberry, Turnip, Wasabi StrawberryTurnipWasabi
$ 34.00
Special Juicy Chicken special offer Raspberries, Red Pepper, Rosemary RaspberriesRed PepperRosemary
$ 6.00
Garlic Bread
Garlic Bread 12 Deep Almond, Apple, Avocado AlmondAppleAvocado
$ 47.00
Vegetable Panini Ginger, Green-beans, kale GingerGreen-beanskale
$ 55.00
Jacket Potatoes
Potato Skins BlackBerry, Blueberry, Beetroot BlackberryBlueberryBeetroot
$ 4.00
Boiled Rice Banana, BlackBerry, Beetroot BananaBlackberryBeetroot
$ 45.00
Buffalo Wings Strawberry, Turnip, Wasabi StrawberryTurnipWasabi
$ 50.00
Traditional Curries
Dhansak Red Pepper, Rosemary, Raspberries Red PepperRosemaryRaspberries
$ 3.00
Thai Red Curry Red Pepper, Rosemary, Raspberries Red PepperRosemaryRaspberries
$ 6.00
Lentils Pineapple, Pumpkin, Radish PineapplePumpkinRadish
$ 6.00
Fish Masala Okra, Olive, Pepper okraOlivePepper
$ 7.00
Chilli Sauce Burdock, Blueberry, Broccoli BurdockBlueberryBroccoli
$ 34.00
BBQ Sauce Coriander, Chili, Cauliflower CorianderChiliCauliflower
$ 46.00
Salad Pumpkin, Radish, Turnip PumpkinRadishTurnip
$ 30.00
Vegetarian Dishes
Bombay Potato Coriander, Eggplant, Chili CorianderEggplantChili
$ 59.00
Diet Koke Spinach, Turnip SpinachTurnip
$ 25.00
$ 10.00$ 9.00
$ 8.00
$ 12.00
$ 9.00

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overview FayBal

FayBal Restaurant provides you 24 – hour menus, where you can select the food menu/items and can book your order online.

contact details
opening hours
  • Monday 12:30 am - 11:45 pm
  • Tuesday 12:15 am - 11:45 pm
  • Wednesday 12:15 am - 11:45 pm
  • Thursday 12:30 am - 11:45 pm
  • Friday 12:00 am - 11:45 pm
  • Saturday 12:30 am - 11:45 pm
  • Sunday closed

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  • subtotal $ 0.00
  • total $ 0.00
need help? +1 416 274 3108